Do you ever feel oily? Do fries look at you and say, that’s too oily? Now control that excess oil with the new Rustic Art Country Rose soap. It maintains the pH balance of the skin, keeping it nourished and glowing while ensuring deep cleansing. Grape seed oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids which keep the skin toned, reduce dark circles and remove blemishes.
- It maintains the pH balance of the skin, keeping it nourished and glowing while ensuring deep cleansing.
Each cold processed soap is handmade using highest quality cold pressed certified organic oils, essential oils and herbs. It’s a balanced combination of hard oils like coconut and vegetable butters, and soft oils like sunflower, rice bran, sesame, flax seed, castor and almond which create a soft lather and keep the skin moisturized. Each bar of soap is hand wrapped in cotton fabric. What can we say, it’s a daily soap that’ll never be boring!